Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It was the best of code. It was the worst of code

So today was another fairly slow day. Lots and lots of doing stuff. A quick tip of the hat to Dave for pointing out the epicness of Garth's bookmarks toolbar, thank you Dave. Now, today's quips:

So you say you want a new compiler, we-ell, we all wanna run our code. You talk about verbose output, we-ell, we all wanna know what's wrong.

It's a long road, through the code, if you want to debug well

Version control, version control, my kingdom for version control - Thanks Phil

My life for SVN

Oh Java my Java...

I was trapped in eclipse. Upon attempting exiting it: ERROR!!!
..../configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/.lazy.6 (The System cannot find the file specified)

me: I got all confused
Garth: Yeah, and not for the first time

"It's a very happy rejection message" - Thanks Justin

"...which may result in the SE's trying to assassinate you" - The gospel as spoken by Garth

"We sign a contract when we get married" - m'Adam
"So it's like you got a money back guarantee" - Julien

So there you have it. Today was slow, but it was good. Team assignments have been made. Some interesting projects out there. I'm looking forward to the end of December to see how everyone does with them. Time for me to go do some "research." Good night Internet.

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