Friday, September 18, 2009

Compromise your principles

Today was a good day. Some epic coding took place. Yet again I must beg forgiveness for my lack of weekend posts, but there was not enough material for it. Anyway here are today's and Friday's quips:

Spring time, Java runs in Tomcat

It puts the dependancy in the constructor or else it gets the Spring again

So if I compile my test files to ${build.bin}, and include that in the classpath, then reference that classpath in the junit task, but it throws ClassNotFound...would you like some toast? - thanks Phil

Once we have fully assimilated, we won't even remember how many years we've been working without doing the math.

"Embryonic tag library" - thanks Garth

"Compromise your principles...I'm talking to you Mr. Redirect" - the Gospel as spoken by Garth


"If you really want to try that, I can hand out forks for you to stab yourself in the leg with...just so you can get the right amount of pain" - the Gospel as spoken by Garth

Phil: This code makes the baby jesus cry
Dave: What about the Garth?
Phil: Garth does not cry. He slays that which saddens him.

Me: assert(leap.equals(dollhouse))
Dave: Can I be Alpha?!?
Me: Garth is Alpha

A very short mapping of some of the crew to Dollhouse characters:
Garth = Alpha
Phil = November
Dave = Sierra
Matt = Echo
Waraback = Victor
Izi = Tofer
John O = Boyd
Q = Adelle

Why must the SADness never end? - poor Dave

"Someone didn't bother reading my carefully prepared memo on commonly-used passwords. Now, then, as I so meticulously pointed out, the four most-used passwords are: Garth, Garth, Garth, and..." - thank you Hackers

"I've never wanted to be a woman so much in my life" - I'm flattered

"Assume all data received from a user is tainted....until it is validated" - oh eLearning, you make me laugh
clarification: "Assume all data received from a user is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. SCRUB THAT SHIT CLEAN, SON!" - thanks Anon

last name: "^[A-Za-z][-.'0-9A-Za-z]{1,50}$" - thanks Dave

Time for me to run. ODST time. Good night Internet.

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