Tuesday, January 26, 2010


As many of you know, not all of these gems come directly from me. So more and more frequently you will see conversations either for context or because it's not a single one-liner. Enjoy them:

Phil: Why do our online tools redirect to service down messages in the most frustrating and useless way?
Me: because you were Hitler in a past life
Phil: And now I can't grow a mustache. Irony!

Phil: I'm hacking some code I abandoned from the projects.
Me: prom night dumpster code?

Davey: How come amazon.com always thinks i'm in the UK when I go there from work?
Me: because you traded the family hypnotoad for a bag of magic beans
Davey: but the gray noise told me to!
Me: Chuck Norris is displeased with you
Davey: but does Garth still love me?
Me: Fear not, Garth loves all his children

Mass Effect 2 today! Time for me to play. Good night Internet.

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