Friday, January 15, 2010

What hath Garth wrought?

Ok, so it's the new year, 2010. A brand new era in the nerd life. Settling in here, and I've decided to start posting again. I figured it's about time we do another mapping and it may as well be for the Doctor.

The Doctor - Garth
Cyber-Controller - John O
Dalek Sec - Q
The Face of Boe - Izi
Rose Tyler - John F
All Leap Graduates - The Adherence of the Repeated Meme

It's nothing major but I wanted to start things back up. And now for some of today's contemplations:

"I'm starving...I should get a coffee" - This is my first thought when I get to work. Is this bad?

"This coffee cup appears to be operating at approximately 88% structural integrity"

I picked up a bottle of Bushmill 21 Rare. Sampled it the other night.
After just 1 sip, I saw Garth, descending from heaven, shrouded in all the glory of true OO Design. It was GLORIOUS

It's over Warabak, I have the compiler! You were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance to the code not destroy it!

It was the best of code. It was the worst of code...'Tis a far, far better app that I code, than I have ever coded; it is a far, far better crash that I now cause than I have ever known

To fork, or not to fork: that is the question. Whether tis mem'ry for the proc to prosper the ram and users of servers unix, or to write a script anew and 'void the troubles brought by the watchful eye of finger, grep, and ps

What hath Garth wrought?

Big Ol' Weekend ahead of us.

Side note: I will now begin writing research papers on a variety of technical topics. Shortly before completing one, I may post requesting ideas for the next topic. Also, I will post them as I complete them for those who are interested to read.

That is all. Good night internet.

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