Monday, August 31, 2009

No databases were harmed in the making of this system

Today was a great day. Garth has returned and brought gifts of whiskey flavored fudge and whiskey samplers. Enjoy today's quips:

I saw Garth. He's GLORIOUS.

Avert your eyes for his glory is blinding.

1 point for dave: It's like a solar eclipse. Do not stare directly at the Garth

burn the Lisp and boil the C, you can't take JEE from me

have you been collecting souls? they will come in handy as we begin using SpringMVC

what if garth was one of us? Just a n00b like one of us. Just a coder in his cube. Would you show his /home? -thanks Nick

I am Java man, coding in spring and hibernate - to the tune of Ironman

One does not simply code with iBatis

'tis a far far better flame i post today, than I have posted ever before

All your LEAP:
In AD 2009
LEAP was beginning
Julien: What happen?
Aviyente: Somebody set up us the Spring
O'Sullivan: We get Java
Julien: What!
O'Sullivan: DB turn on
Julien: It's you!!
Garth: How are you gentlemen!!
Garth: All your Struts are belong to us.
Garth: You are on the way to OOD
Julien: What you say!!
Garth: You have no chance to compile make your code.
Garth: Ha Ha Ha Ha
O'Sullivan: Captain !!
Julien: Take off every 'Lisp'!!
Julien: You know what you coding
Julien: Move 'Lisp'
Julien: For great justice

We're scripting together/But still it's compiled/And maybe we'll need help,/from Garth, who can tell? - The final countdown - thanks Adam

In the beginning, Garth created Assembly, and it was good

"You'll have your work cut out for you. They're a bunch of 404s" - The gospel as spoken by Garth

The Struts is a lie

ooh mama i'm coming

and i said, "what about WebWork and Calyxo" she said "I think those are frameworks, and as I recall, I think, they're both kind of no good" and I said "well that's, just a bunch of lies"

Garth speaks of the end times: "Servers don't track browsers, yeah. Because if they did, the web would grind to a hault"

Praise be to Garth. REJOICE for the second coming!

how much script would a JScript script if a JScript could script script?

out here in the cubes, i code for my meals

me: why was spring created?
someone else: ?
me: because he wanted to get back at the world for the attrocities committed against him at Candy Mtn

Time to tie it off for the day (Jameson 12). Good night Internet.

Friday, August 28, 2009

True Black Magic Programming

I apologize for not posting last night as I was partaking in frothy beverage and producing a handful of pixelated corpses. As I may be out yet again this evening, I will most likely only be producing a single post for the weekend. Enjoy it, Savor it, feel the delicious tingle on your gums. My bad, trailed off thinking of the whiskey.

Yesterday started early:
I had a dream last night about a programming language. It was so strictly procedural that it barely even had primitive types. Access to any data was like trying to grab someone out of a rapidly moving whirlpool. You never pass variables, just throw them into the whirlpool and hopefully the function you want is fast/strong enough to pull them out.

Running hello world could take hours and the letters wouldn't even come out in the right order. There are no strings, just characters, and those characters could come out of that whirlpool in any order.

And some of the days quips:
"You make baby Garth cry"

"When sleeping with French women, be sure to use a try-catch block"

"PCTP: Personal Communication Transfer Protocol"

Not a crossover, but still made some people laugh:"Damnit woman, I said potatoes not fish sticks"

"I think so much about what people say, it consumes the threadpool and causes deadlock"

Our instructor for the day:"Have you been to therapy?"

Instructor:"Do you think in Audio, Visuals, or in Actions?"..."I think in Code"

"I am a Singleton. There is, and can only ever be, one of me, but I'm not thread safe."

"With Garth as my witness"

"Your mama don't spring and your daddy don't hibernate"

"Lucky is still in therapy, but the voices are less frequent now"...seriously how did a paranoid schizophrenic become a children's icon. (They're all after my lucky charms!)

And one of the days quips tended towards self awareness instead of code or jokes of any sort:
Deep down, everything we do, we do for ourselves. Even helping others, we do because it feels good.

I am sorry to have ended on that note today. For now, I must rest. Good night Internet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Are you there Garth? It's me, Big Mur.

The day started early, but we were all busy hacking web apps together so I didn't find much time to let my mind wander. Enjoy today's quips:

That's not a script. THIS is a script. - thanks Phil

Struts, erp. Whaat is it good for? we-eb app construction. SAY IT AGAIN NOW -Thank Justin for that

Phil: It's a strut, sticking out of a spring, on a rail! OH MY!

thank you phil: happy birthday Internet Explorer (8 years old today)

So did you use the sword and shield or the bastard sword to quell the Dojo dragon?

Is it bad that I view the 5 second rule like a video game? After 3 seconds the food starts blinking then it just disappears

Response to someone sneezing: "Garth bless you"

Also, due to my indirect nature, most of my compliments are backhanded, and it was suggested that I post a few:

"Most female engineers are ugly"

"You're not retarded"

"You've exceeded the expectations of an IT major"

I may start saving more of those comments as some of them are pure gold and sound far more like an insult than the ones above.

For now, I have some work that needs attending to. Good night Internet
Ok here's a late night post for my buddy, Ducky, with some highlighted quotes about/from/involving him. (backstories on request)

"I think I just dented my towel"

"YOU'RE overrated"

"blublabluablublaublaublublh ICE TEA"


"dump 'em out!"

"Who said take the cricket?"

and as an added bonus, a recent find:

Enjoy, and fairwell. Good night Internet

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The second coming of the Lord, Garth is nigh. REPENT of your uncommented code and your overuse of Singletons.

As you may have already figured out, I make a number of obscure tech references and strange crossovers. This blog acts as a dump for those crossover and interesting little tidbits that I find throughout the interwebs. On that note, some bands/internet superheroes for the smart masses to check out:

PowerGlove - Tetris
Brental Floss - Megaman 3 Title
The Megas - Carved from Mighty Oak

And a few crossovers to start things off:
When you're stuck on a site, locked in IE, JScript...When you're stuck with no fun, no fun in the sun, JScript
-you can thank Ping for getting "Cocaine" stuck in my head for that one

"As they say, Love is a battlefield; a strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

"That's why I had so much trouble with Spring last week. The Necronomicon states that Spring requires the sacrifice of a pure soul"

Dave: "I think I broke Java"
error console: "Class not found: java.lang.Object"
Me and Phil: Holy God man! What did you do?!

And from our beloved emacs:
first line in woman.el:
(require 'man)

Enjoy! I will see you all tomorrow. Good night Internet.